Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Assignment #4

New Book Title : Catherine's Love Adventure 

 Dear Abby Letter:

        Dear Abby, 

   My name's Catherine, and I would really like your advice. I met this exiting man Henry in " Bath". I haven't found anyone around here as interesting as him, he's handsome, smart, and we have in common that we read a lot of books. We've seen each other a couple of times, and have spent some time together, but I don't really know what to say to him. I really feel like I have something with Henry, but I would never want to annoy him, but I really want to get to know him. I hope to spend more time with Henry in Bath but I don't know how to approach him. What advice can you give me a to what I can do to approach him.

                                                        Thanks a lot, 

Response Letter:

           Dear Catherine, 

     It sounds like you and Henry would be really good together. Sometimes, the best way to approach a guy would just be to talk to him. Get to know Henry more and more, spend time with him. The more you spend time with him, the more attached you two will grow. Getting to know each other is just the beginning, after, you two can start dating, and hopefully have some sort of future together. I hope this really helped you out.

                                                                   Hope things work out,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Assignment #3

Discussion Topics: 

  1. Discuss Catherine and Henry's romance.
  2. Discuss whether their friendship in general is honest. 
I would like to talk about Isabella, simply because she seems like an interesting character, and isn't that obvious in the story. She isn't mentioned much, but she seems to be pretty important if she is kept for this long in the story.

The point of view is 3rd person in this section, and in most of the book. I think in this part of the book it's a really great thing to have set 3rd person perspective. This way we know what both characters are thinking not just Catherine, or not just Henry. It's also very important because here they both get some time to flirt with each other and it's really helpful to see into both of their thoughts. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Discussion #2

Important Passage 1
Page Number : 47
" With the sparkling...be easily imagined."
This passage is important because here Catherine describes Henry in such a loving way. It's almost like she begins to admit her true feelings for him, or at least describe them that way. She says " With what sparkling eyes..." Before, she had not described his eyes that way. She begins to notice details about him that she likes. Also, it contributes to the beginning of their " relationship"
Important Passage 2
Page Number :60
"She knew not....make her amenable."
This passage is important because it's begins to show that Isabella and Catherine's friendship is straying.She says that she said things politely , but honestly, didn't feel like going anywhere. Catherine has begun to get sick of watching Isabella and James flirt around all day. Also, she notices that she has no importance being there if they won't even recognize her existence.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Assignment #1

         The character list beings with Catherine. Then it continues with Mrs. Allen, Mr. Allen, Mr. Tilney, Miss Thorpe, Miss Morland, Isabella, Mr. Morland, James Morland, Mrs. Radcliff, John Thorpe, Mrs. Hughes. The story takes place mostly in a small town in the " Bath" and the " Pump-room" Catherine has found an acquaintance she actually finds interest in. The only problem is he is so mysterious she can never get a hold of him. She awaits for him on no ends meet but doesn't seem to find him. She is caught having feelings for almost a complete stranger, and finding no interest in anyone else. I believe that Catherine is going to spend a lot of her time with Mr. Tilney, and end up having a small romance with him. Also, I believe it will be very hard to get a hold of Mr. Tilney, and even though she will be conflicted she will fall in love.