Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Discussion #2

Important Passage 1
Page Number : 47
" With the easily imagined."
This passage is important because here Catherine describes Henry in such a loving way. It's almost like she begins to admit her true feelings for him, or at least describe them that way. She says " With what sparkling eyes..." Before, she had not described his eyes that way. She begins to notice details about him that she likes. Also, it contributes to the beginning of their " relationship"
Important Passage 2
Page Number :60
"She knew not....make her amenable."
This passage is important because it's begins to show that Isabella and Catherine's friendship is straying.She says that she said things politely , but honestly, didn't feel like going anywhere. Catherine has begun to get sick of watching Isabella and James flirt around all day. Also, she notices that she has no importance being there if they won't even recognize her existence.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the passage number 1. Catherine does describe Henry in a loving way and admits to her feelings about Henry. Also with passage 2, probably Catherine is jealous because she can't really flirt with Henry as much as Isabella and James do.
